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Meet Our Team

Who We Are


Eliza Seng

Leader/Event Co-ordinator

Witnessing and participating in an event is a different experience altogether that captured my interest for this class. I am interested in the process of event planning and the end product of someone's hard work, it is interesting to see many types of events from big countries coming from a small country. I will try to the best of my ability in planning this event and lead my team to the right direction.

Student ID: 21131210

Zhiyuan Zhang

Event Assistant

I have always been interested in event planning, and I have the confidence to organize this event and make this event venue reach its potential.

Student ID: 19088397

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Holly Fowler

Venue Co-ordinator

Student ID: 16941493

I have always showed an interest in event spaces and being able to unlock their full potential. Having grown up in Grey Lynn I believe I have a great awareness of the suburb and why this area will work well for the cross-cultural event. 

Yutong Yang

Marketing & Sponsorship

I am very interested in event planning and have also had the study of the economy and marketing, which are of great help to event planning. I believe that our ability and tacit understanding can help us to successfully complete the planning of this event.

Student ID: 19088420


Yaxin Fan

Marketing Lead

I have always been interested in event planning, and I have participated in similar cross-cultural events before. I believe I can organize and promote this event well, so that more and more people will participate and like this event.

Student ID: 19076368

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