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Event Schedule

Event Schedule


Date & Time

Begin: Friday, February 18, 2022 

End: Sunday, February 20, 2022

From 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm



The venue will be divided into  4 major sections based on each culture: Asian, Eastern, Western and Maori.


Stage Performances

There will be a display of traditional clothing of each culture on stage before the 

stage performances start at 8 pm.

Schedule: Day 1

February 18, 2022
  • This is the first day of our event, which will commence at 5 pm.

  • Attendees will be given a wristband each at the entrance, and they will be free the roam around the venue and visit stalls.

  • Upon entering, attendees will experience the Western culture from Brazil and Italy and Eastern cultures from Egypt and Iran.

  • Next to the Eastern section will be the Asian culture section from Cambodia and China.

  • On the opposite side will present the host country's culture, Maori.

  • Each stall will be displaying food, clothing and souvenir. 

  • The most inner part of the venue will have a stage setup, displaying 7 countries traditional clothing.

  • At 8 pm, a performance showcasing Day 1 cultures will begin

Set up
  1. New Zealand - The Haka (Grant Opening)

  2. Brazil - Samba dance

  3. Italy - Folk dance

  4. Egypt - Tahtib (stick dance)

  5. Iran - Bandari dance (Persian bellydance)

  6. Cambodia - Apsara dance

  7. China - Lion dance

  8. New Zealand - Poi dance


Day 1

Schedule: Day 2

February 19, 2022
  • The second day of our event will commence at the same time, 5 pm.

  • Attendees will be given a stamp on their hand at the entrance, and they will be free the roam around the venue and visit stalls.

  • Upon entering, attendees will experience the Western culture from Haiti and Panama and Eastern cultures from Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

  • The Asian culture section from Indian and Korean.

  • On the last section will present the host country's culture, Maori.

  • Each stall will be displaying food, clothing and souvenir. 

  • The most inner part of the venue will have a stage setup, displaying 7 countries traditional clothing.

  • At 8 pm, a performance showcasing Day 2 cultures will begin

Set up
  1. New Zealand - The Haka (Grand Opening)

  2. Haiti - Yanvalou (snake dance)

  3. Panama - Tamborito

  4. Saudi Arabia - Najdi ardah

  5. Turkey - Halay (folk dance)

  6. India - Ras lila dance

  7. Korea - Buchaechum (Fan dance)

  8. New Zealand - Poi dance


Day 2

Schedule: Day 3

February 20, 2022
  • The last day of our event will also commence at 5 pm.

  • Attendees will be given a sticker to stick on their shirt at the entrance, and they will be free the roam around the venue and visit stalls.

  • Upon entering, attendees will experience the Eastern cultures from Palestine and United Arab Emirates.

  • Next to the Eastern section will be the Asian culture section from Malaysia and Vietnam.

  • The host country's culture, Maori, will extend their section taking over half of the venue, where the latest section will display a variety of cultural food that attendees can try.

  • Each stall will be displaying food, clothing and souvenir. 

  • The most inner part of the venue will have a stage setup, displaying 6 countries traditional clothing.

  • At 8 pm, a performance showcasing Day 3 cultures will begin

Set up
  1. New Zealand - The Haka (Grand Opening)

  2. Palestine - Dabke (folk dance)

  3. United Arab Emirates - Al-Ayyala performance

  4. Malaysia - Silat or Pencak Silat

  5. Veitnam - Múa sap (Bamboo dancing)

  6. New Zealand - Poi dance


Day 3




Traditional African Dress

Dress Code

To have a better experience at our event, attendees are recommended to wear their traditional clothes that represent their culture (optional).



It is important that attendees give respect to other cultures and people, allowing others and yourself to have an eventful night and reduces risk.


Safety Pre-cautions

Due to the ongoing pandemic, your safety is our priority. 

We will take precautions according to the government (distributing QR codes)

What's Next



What's next?

After ending our event, we will be renovating the parking space to make it more vibrant and aesthetic. This will attract people to visit, especially young people, where it is social-media worthy and make use of each parking space to design different cultures from the event on it.


Future Event Plan

The event will happen every year around the same date - the last weekend of February - where locals, as well as international students, are able to participate.

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