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Marble Surface

SWOT Analysis


  • Our team members are quite diverse, everyone is from a different country or region (New Zealand, Cambodia and China). We have different backgrounds, therefore we understand how each culture is unique and significant.

  • We have a team member who grew up in Grey Lynn, so she has. better understanding of the community and the people who live i the area 

  • Social media is a powerful marketing platform in this modern world, by creating social media accounts, we will be able to reach and interact with a variety of people from different cultural backgrounds.

  • A weekend event has an advantage because everyone will have time off to come visit with friends and family



  • Our team is enthusiastic but inexperienced in many areas of planning and doing hands-on  design

  • Lack of materials to efficiently plan and run our event

  • Lack of funding and high expenses for things like outreach and layout as our event is new and unknown

  • There are many other similar events that had happened before and big competitors around New Zealand with much better budget

  • Lack of staff and business close to the venue



  • Eke Panuku Development Auckland are invested in urban regeneration within the region which means we would be able to move forward with the support of government organisations 

  • Our event presents a variety of cultures where people will be able to experience a variety of customs and traditions that can lead to good press 

  • Exposure to international students who want to know more about New Zealand, they will have the opportunity to represent their country and culture



  • The increased level of COVID-19 prevention and control may lead to the cancellation of our activities 

  • We may not find many investors to invest in the event  

  • Inconsistent weather may challenge our event to launch successfully

  • There might be emerging competitors who are inspired to create similar events

  • Unexpected hazardous event which can lead to bad press

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